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- I'm Just Trying to Take My Peace Seriously
I'm Just Trying to Take My Peace Seriously
and I should have done this way earlier

A woman who is meant to be me in a bikini, floating in water, at peace
Hey, I want to start by saying that I am grateful to God that I do not make promises. If I did, I’d be the biggest promise and fail in your life. I had told T I wanted to write a birthday newsletter, but I was so busy having so much fun, I was too tired to write anything. If I had promised to write, I’d have been so stressed wondering how I planned to deliver.
Do you know who also did not deliver? The person I bought my birthday dress from. So, every year, I spend my birthday with people. Either my cousins for my 18th and 19th, my partner for my 20th, my friends for my 21st and my parents for my 22nd. One thing I had never done was spend my birthday alone, and I decided to try it for my 23rd. I had booked a hotel and dinner reservations for myself weeks in advance because I did not want a story. However, the vendor I patronised for my dress had other plans. When the 16th came around and my dress still hadn’t been delivered, I knew it wouldn’t come in time for my birthday or might come and look ugly. Instead of panicking about how my life was over and my day was ruined, I packed two extra dresses I had in my wardrobe and checked into my hotel anyway. I refused to let something I didn’t have control over ruin a day I had been looking forward to since we entered June.
Maybe it’s good I’m just writing this now. I needed being 23 cook in my body for a little bit because the things I want to type is giving “older, wiser and sexier”. I should have also added “more at peace”, but it didn't rhyme and I do not think there’s a word like “peacier”. Life has been so tiring, I felt I had no more fight left in me. However, instead of defeat, I chose the route of peace. I do not have control over a lot and the few I do think I have control over can be heavily influenced by external factors. Instead of letting that send me to a bad place, I embraced it and kept it pushing. Life will suck, but I might as well be as chill as possible during it. Delayed delivery, a bad date, ending a friendship or even being stuck in traffic can suck, but you have to hold on to whatever peace you have. I’m trying to build a routine and I’m not going to lie, the people that said doing a little exercise and taking your vitamins will help did not lie. I’m back on my yoga mat and I just breathe my worries away. I meltdown, but I call my friends and make plans after. I was telling Kai about how broke I currently am, but I just laughed about it as I ate the noodles we made. I’ve been broke before and it didn’t kill me. Heck, I’ve been broker than I currently am and it nearly drove me insane, but I’m still standing. So, why am I going to let it bother me?
I plan little outings or time with my friends to keep me stable, I make little purchases throughout the month to give myself something to look forward to and I watch movies, series and read books. Slowly introducing colour into your life will calm you in ways you never thought was possible and I need you for the sake of everything in me to try it. It might be trying to cook a meal you enjoy once a week or dedicating an hour of your day to read some chapters of a book or my personal favourite, sleeping early. Whichever way colour looks like for you, embrace it. It might be finally choosing yourself from a friendship that took so much from you or finally standing up and saying “enough” to that person that keeps breaking your heart. All of the ways you choose your peace and sanctity is valid and you should allow yourself the rest that comes with it. You so desperately need it. I know I do.
I hope life is easier to you and your week shows you kindness that gives you hope. Signing off from my bedroom in my grandma’s house. I feel cared for, taken care of and most importantly, loved like it is running out of fashion. If you want more of me, you can click this link to subscribe.

One thing I’ve learnt in my new age is to not make fixed plans around promises. If a friend promises to send you free 50k by the end of the week, don’t already start planning all the things you’d want to buy. I’ve been disappointed a lot of times in my life and it is because I think I jumped the gun way too quickly and it led to broken hearts and tense relationships. I’ve learnt to not count my chickens before they hatch and leave room for disappointment. Always have a plan B incase your plan A doesn’t work out, so you’re less likely to have your joy stolen from you by your own expectations. It’ll help you smile more and you look fabulous when you smile.

Supacell (TV Show)
When I started watching Supacell, it was with my friend and her man and while it took me a while to get into it because of the bad CGI, I enjoyed the story while screaming at Dionne and Shar to stop being fools!
The series follows the lives of five superheroes, but our protagonist is Michael who is a delivery driver. One day, while performing one of his deliveries, he gets stabbed by one of the Tower boys who are a gang in South London. After the stabbing, Michael doesn’t die, but is instead taken back in time to before the stabbing happened and he saved himself from death.
After the strange experience, he proposes to his girlfriend (A couple of days later) and while they’re making out, he is instead teleported to the future where he sees himself as well as four other people he doesn’t know. The four people, Sabrina, Andre, Tazer and Rodney all seem to posses some sort of superpower. Telekenisis for Sabrina, super strength for Andre, super speed for Rodney and invisibility for Rodney. His future self then tells him there are hooded figures coming for him and these other four people and he has to find them all and get them to work together so they can have a chance to defeat these figures and also save his girlfriend, Dionne. After the revelation, Michael is transported back in time and is determined to track down these other people and save his girlfriend’s life.
A couple plot twists here and there and a brief education on sickle cell with funny lines and characters you want to beat (Shar and Dionne) makes it a very fun series to get into. It’s just six episodes and you can either binge it in a day or split it into two days like I did. Watch, have fun, and after, tell your mum I said wagwan.