I'm Just Done With 2024

and what a year it was

Testing, testing. Is this thing on? Before I get into the nitty-gritty of it, I want to say that I may not be consistent with anything in my life, but not knowing how to write an intro? Been at it for the entire year and still at it. Who’s doing it like me?

It’s the end of the year and everyone is looking forward to the new year and all the things they can accomplish in 2025. Me? I’m just happy to be done with it. 2024 took everything it possibly could from me and I am so happy it is done. Need all the evil, tears and wickedness that transpired this year to come to an end. However, it was still a year I learnt a lot from, so let’s get into it.

I think the major thing that changed the trajectory of my year was my father falling sick and then his passing. It’s been months and I still haven’t fully recovered. There are tears behind every smile and a constant “God, why me?” that falls from my lips whenever I am alone with my thoughts for longer than five seconds. His passing and the things afterwards showed me I am stronger than I thought and it made my mother and I closer than we were. I mean, it’s kind of just us now so we are learning to put aside our differences. I miss my father every day and every night, but I am grateful for the fact that I was privileged enough to have him as my dad. With his horrible temper and need for perfection, he was still the one to believe in me and teach me never to settle for less. My father drilled into my head that I am a princess that is loved at home and although my dating history proves that I obviously forget that on every day that ends with a “y”, it doesn’t change the fact that they love me at home like mad. I hope he watches over me with a smile on my face. There is pain in my heart, but there is a joy that overflows forevermore.

2024 was also the year I gave my life back to Christ. Are you shocked? Because I was shocked. In fact, I still don’t remember I did what I did because conversations like these still happen:

Person A: All these Christians sef
Me: Yeah, I hate them. They are so wicked and nasty
My friends: Itohan, you’re a Christian
Me: Olololo

It upsets me that people group me with those uncouth individuals that use words like “Godka”, but it is my cross to carry. I love God and I love having something to hold on to. I love being able to trust in something bigger, mightier, and more powerful than my brain can ever fully comprehend. I love the intersection between my Christianity and astrology and traditional African religion with a healthy dose of scepticism. Giving my life back to God has made me a better version of myself, I won’t lie. I am kinder, sweeter and calmer because I have put all my burdens on the cross. Dramatic, I know, but it works for me. With the year I’ve had? I need something. Don’t worry, I am not going to be walking around town with a bell and telling people they’ll be going to hell. That’s beneath me. However, I will try to spread as much love as I can because it is the only thing God expects from me.

Speaking of love, I did a lot more charity work in 2024. It bled my account DRY, but the smile on the faces of the people I have helped? Worth more than all the money in the world. I love helping people, and I love that my friends understand that and help me when my account empties. I will never regret any act of charity I perform, whether they’re scamming me or not (they scammed me like mad this year), but we go again another day. I think that’s where my 2024 lesson comes from.

Be as kind as you can because it can and will save someone’s life. Spare the extra naira you have and split your meal with the people who have nothing to eat. The Lord that gave to you today will give to you tomorrow.


I also know that it is easy for me to say this because I have friends that will never allow for me to go hungry. I recognise my privilege in the form of my friends. Heck, let’s talk about that, shall we?

One of my biggest blessings this year are my friends. I have been held in a warmth I did not know was possible for humans to manufacture. My best friend most especially has heard me cry so many times, and even when she pleaded with me to go back to therapy and I refused, she didn’t give up on me. My friends were my rock when my dad passed and they showed me that family is more than just the people who share the same blood with you. I met a lot of cool people this year and they have taught me so much. I also reconnected with my favourite ex and our friendship had breathe life into a body that was almost dead. From the casual conversations my friends had with me to the deep, late-night talks, they did all. I am rich in my friends and I will not have it any other way.

Now, I’m wrapping up with this, but we can’t leave without talking about the romantic aspect of the year. Honestly, did you think we’d be talking about my 2024 and we won’t discuss my romantic life???? You people joke. You kid and if you thought my love life would not be mentioned, then it means you do not know me as well as I hoped. I wanted to do a dating wrapped for this year, but I was busy. Truthfully, I was even scared to do it. This year was so all over the place what if I forget someone and then suddenly there’s a problem? Or what if I mentioned someone and another person started doing 2+2 and now they’ve accused me of cheating again? Anyway, let me try and do what I can. It won’t be as detailed as it can be, but work with me here, okay?

Can’t begin a dating wrapped without saying “thank you” to Hassan. Yes, it ended a while ago, but I did some reflection on that relationship this year and it saved me from getting into so much nonsense this year. Some people approached me and then I remember one or two that happened with Hassan and I mutter a sharp “God forbid” and dodge them the way I dodge my responsibilities. I owe them a lot, but I will actually never tell them this. Shoutout to T for great sex and a quote that has changed the trajectory of my life and my career. They were the only person I dated this year and one lesson I learnt was

In a bid to love someone, do not lose yourself


I misplaced inside that relationship, but here we are! Alive and kicking. There are so many things I’d do differently if given the chance, but I am grateful to the learning experience. Shoutout to M for teaching me to be strong in my faith in Christ. It was nice that I found her after I gave my life back to Christ properly. She taught me it was fine and she started my ginger for prayer again. Finally, there’s Honey that I am ending the year with (please, I’m still single). I remember making a poll on a private account to ask my friends how long they think Honey and I will last and the majority said a month. Happy to announce that it’s been more than that. Romance wrapped summary? I started the year in a relationship, but one cheating scandal and a breakup later and I am happy to say that I am ending 2024 single. There’s this one person I reconnected with and I am trying to get myself to get over, so shoutout to them too. God will finally free me from her clutches completely and affliction will not arise again in Jesus name!

Lastly on our roundup is career and finance. I changed jobs three different times this year and made x5 the money I started 2024 with and I am somehow still ending the year broke as hell. It’s because even though I made a lot of money, I spent even more. Being an adult is expensive and being myself is even more expensive. I attended a lot more raves, parties and events which made me happy because for the first half of the year, I was terrified to go anywhere. It put a dent in my finances, but my happiness is priceless. I also started a business at the end of the year (Shameless plug)

I am amazed at my ability to dedicate myself to something. I have customers who return, creations so beautiful that I weep and a following that believes in my vision. Starting a new job in January and a new collection for my business as well. A very eventful year for my career. Proud of where I am now because where I started from? All the times I locked myself in the office toilet to cry? Nah, I popped off in my career. I also learnt that you should not stay where you are unhappy. Leaving a job opened me up to so many more opportunities. If you can afford to, take the risk. It’ll be worth it.

I am amazed at my ability to dedicate myself to something. I have customers who return, creations so beautiful that I weep and a following that believes in my vision. Starting a new job in January and a new collection for my business as well. A very eventful year for my career. Proud of where I am now because where I started from? All the times I locked myself in the office toilet to cry? Nah, I popped off in my career. I also learnt that you should not stay where you are unhappy. Leaving a job opened me up to so many more opportunities. If you can afford to, take the risk. It’ll be worth it.

All in all, 2024 was a year I will not be forgetting in a hurry. I started a job I liked and eventually ended up hating, I had more mental breakdowns than is humanly possible, made so many connections I was stupefied, made more money than I thought I could, started my own business selling some of the prettiest jewellery on Earth and touched people’s lives in the way that mattered. I spent time with my friends and got to understand what it means to love your neighbour. I was surrounded with the love of God and the love of people who claimed to be romantic prospects. Overall, a time was had, a lot of lessons were learnt and even though I lost myself this year, I searched really deep and found myself again. I learnt to adapt to whatever life throws at me and that I am capable of far more than I realise. I loved, I lost, I failed and I stood up again. If with all of these things I saw in 2024, I was able to find joy in the year, I believe you can do the same too. Take some of that resilience in 2025 and remember you can do all the things you put your mind to. Don’t put too much pressure to get to where you think you should be to the point you forget to enjoy where you are now. Work hard, party hard and love the hardest of them all. Open yourself up to new opportunities and remember, at the end of the day, you’re literally just a girl. You’re doing your best, and I am so freaking proud of you. Thank you for sticking with me in 2024. We had some good times and you make life a lot more fun. In 2025, I promise to talk more and to share more. So, what do you say? Stick with me for another year?